In this podcast we’ll be looking at how our identity changes over time, the impact that self-doubt and the dreaded imposter syndrome can have on us during those times of change, at work and at home, and how we can discover and enjoy who we really are, right now.

guest info

Hey you!

You’re on this page because you’re thinking of being a guest on my podcast… what do you need to know?

Who’s the podcast for?

  • I’m talking to midlife women wondering how they got to here, and figuring out just who they are right now. They have so much potential, so much to give and so much joy still to experience, if only they could feel confident in themselves!
  • I’ll be talking about how to discover, choose and embrace that midlife identity, how to grow rock-solid self-belief, set healthy boundaries, and design a life that really works & supports them.

How can you get involved?

  • If you have something you’d like to share with these women, I’d love to interview you for the podcast!
  • Or if you know someone who does, please do share this page with them.
  • And when you’re ready, go ahead and book an interview slot using the scheduler below. 

What if you feel nervous about being interviewed?

  • Oh, I totally hear you! And I promise that the interview will feel just like having a chat with me 🙂 Remember that it’s not ‘live’ and I will edit out any bits you’re uncomfortable with, or where we trip over our words too much… whilst remembering that IT’S OK not to be perfect! And when we share our imperfections with other women, we ALL get permission to release the stress, breathe out and just BE.

What will you actually have to do?

  • Choose your preferred time and day, and book in…
  • I’ll be in touch by email or message to agree what we’ll be talking about, and sharing some questions ahead of the call, so that you can be fully prepared & comfortable 
  • We meet on zoom
    • I’ll be asking you to use headphones as this helps the podcast sound quality
  • We’ll be on the call around 45 minutes
    • 10 minutes to check the tech and run through what we’ll talk about
    • 25 minutes where I’ll introduce you and ask you some questions (remembering we can edit!)
    • 10 minutes spare to re-record anything, check your social links for the show notes and wrap up our call
  • I’ll ask you to check the show notes before I publish
  • I’ll confirm the release date
  • And I’ll ask you to share the podcast once it’s released!


I’m right here, drop me an email and ask away!

Where to listen…

Available on Apple, Overcast, Stitcher, Acast & more when you search for “Who Do You Think You Are?”

Subscribe here…

… and I’ll send you a love-note each time I release a new podcast!