As a qualified coach & master NLP practitioner, I have a wealth of tools and techniques to support you.
When we work together, you might prefer to begin our journey by focusing purely on coaching. Or you may prefer to start by discovering your unique human design profile. I trust you to know what’s right for you.
Either way I’ll be your challenger and cheerleader as you build the confidence you deserve.
I believe in connection, in balance and in you.
I believe in challenging the status quo. that less is almost always more and, I believe this very deeply, that quiet is oh-so-powerful.
I believe in change, and in the kind of support that’s both a warm hug and a kick-up-the-backside, nourishing, fierce and so-very-spacious.
And, I believe that all of us can re-discover our lost confidence and stand taller, put ourselves first for once and do the amazing things we’re on this planet to do!