Vision Board Workshop

The perfect way to get clear on who you want to be, where you want to go… and how to get there!

“Sarah’s vision board workshop was a real light bulb moment for me & honestly one of the best things I’ve done for myself for a long time.”

Gemma Duxbury

​Join me for a unique vision board experience to get you feeling inspired & energised!

upcoming dates...

Friday 20th Sept 10-1pm £50
Click here to contact me if you’d like to book for your team or private event

What can a vision board actually do?

  • get you unstuck
  • inspire you to start something new
  • focus your energy 
  • energise your work or health or …?!
  • allow you to explore!

What’s involved?

We’ll gather together, just you, me and a small group of like-minded women wondering “what’s next for me right now?”

During the workshop, you’ll get all the nurturing & nudges you need to create your vision for the coming year, that is just right for YOU.  

All materials are provided, along with tea & coffee.

After our time together you’ll leave feeling empowered and ready for your year ahead, energised by your very own vision board, complete with the personal and / or business goals that are perfect for you.

“This workshop has helped me to understand where I am now, and what I would like my life to look like in the future. It was a lovely afternoon, very relaxing, inspiring and rewarding.”

Victoria Jones


What is a vision board?

A vision board is a collection of images, words, colours and sometimes found objects that represent your dreams, ambitions and goals for the future, usually in the next year or so as that’s a timescale that we can envisage easily, and it can also be longer (often people refresh after 12-18 months)

Do they work?

Yes, and no! That’s completely up to you! In the workshop I tell you just how you can get the most from your vision board over the coming year, and what not to do too.

What sort of thing should I put on mine?

Anything that you’d like to bring into being in the next year, and sometimes you might surprise yourself on the day too!

Some people have different sections, for example, health and work and love. Or just focus on one thing, maybe a new project. Or they make a timeline from here… to there… Or they have one big picture and a few words or smaller pictures. Or they leave room for a photo they have at home that they just know needs to go on.

Can you guarantee my vision will happen?

Absolutely not! I can guarantee you’ll have a wonderful, affirming and fun afternoon, and that’s all (although, we do need those afternoons!)

I can tell you that previous attendees have shared with me how their boards brought them… a brand new shop, at least one wedding, a new partner, a new client base, a baby, a handful of cars and a handbag or two too!

I can find free instructions online, why should I join a paid workshop?

There are lots of really good instructions available to download and follow and you might want to do this… mostly what happens is you download them with all good intentions and simply don’t get around to it! I’m the same to be perfectly honest!

But there is something special about setting aside the time, making an energetic exchange (ie paying for my time to hold the space) and showing up in a circle of women where you are all sharing an intention to create that ideal vision. It’s powerful stuff!

How do I book my place?

Click the button above, or below to go to my shop and add the workshop to your basket. Or email me direct and I’ll send you BACS details.

Any other questions?

Drop me an email or feel free to whatsapp me if you’re in my network!

“I’ve been meaning to do a vision board for a long time, but I just kept putting it off. I’m so glad I booked on to Sarah’s course because I needed the accountability, and it was great fun doing it with other people! Sarah is a fantastic coach, and she has such a gentle approach and really makes it fun.

I highly recommend the workshop, I absolutely loved it 🥰 and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to add a bit of fun and excitement into their life!!

I’m excited to turn my vision board into reality now ❤️”

Halima Read

“Prior to doing the vision board workshop with you, I knew things had to change. I was unhappy, frustrated and unfulfilled as a woman and as a professional…. through your workshop, I reconnected with ME.

And I finally realised… I am enough. 

You gave me permission to do this. You inspired me to do my vision board which reaffirmed that I am actually an emotionally intelligent, caring, kind, steadfast and stoical woman who can do anything she sets her mind to. And now I feel like I am moving mountains.

I cannot thank you enough for this Sarah and I am actually really emotional typing these words! I think every ‘lost’ woman needs to work with you because you have had a profound effect on my life.”

Ange Lea, Chair, I4YPC


How the day works: In person…

Typical timings: 

  • 1pm – you’ll arrive at the venue 
  • 1 – 4pm – you’ll create your vision board, with guidance from me, plus all the materials you need supplied
  • 4pm (ish) – we’ll bring our time together to a close & wave goodbye until next time!

Sounds good but the date doesn’t work? Join my mailing list for details of the next one!

(This makes a great team event, drop me an email if you’d like me to run this as a treat for your team or your friends.)

How the day works: Online…

Dates tbc – email me to organise a private event for your team or a group of friends

Typical timings: 

  • 12noon – arrive on zoom from 11.45, check your tech & settle in! Our first hour is on zoom, finding out all about vision boards and how to make one that works.

  • 1pm – 3pm (ish) – you create your vision board in your own space, and we stay in touch via group WhatsApp chat, so you can ask questions and share progress, this keeps the group vibe 🙂

  • 3pm (ish) – we flex this last hour around you; are you almost finished, would you like longer, are you finished sooner than 3? The last hour is back on zoom to wrap up & check in with your afternoon.

  • 4pm (ish) – we close the call, and often spend the remainder of the afternoon sharing photos of our boards & good wishes after our shared time together!

Sound good? Join my mailing list for details of the next one!

(This makes a great team event, drop me an email if you’d like me to run this as a treat for your team.

“I really loved the workshop; it was good to get together with others, and take time out to create my vision board.

You really helped open my mind to new ideas. My new vision board is all about enjoying myself and self-healing in pictures.”


“I didn’t realise how powerful the vision board would be!

It brought some unexpected, surprising results around a whole new area of business which will expand my reach – fascinating!  

It’s surprising how much it’s affected my business and my focus… my business is the vehicle to get me the life I want and my vision has got me thinking with more clarity.”

Su Menzies-Runciman, Artist