Time Out:

Indulge in time for you on our spacious day retreats for busy women

Dates & tickets...

Are you so busy putting all your energy into your work and your family that you rarely have time to take care of you?

As women we often do so much for everyone around us that we just don’t make the space to pause… to rest, reflect and plan ahead.

And yet, when we do take that time out, we come away from it so refreshed! You know that feeling, when you spend a day with just the right people and your energy is topped right back up, leaving you feeling ready for anything?

That’s just what you get from one of our retreats.

When you join us in the Ribble Valley for a whole day dedicated to you, you’ll be given time to:

  • Pause – and we do mean, really, properly pause.
  • Listen deeply to your own thoughts, rediscovering what is true for you without the usual noise and bustle
  • Reconnect with who you really are and what you really want!

Previous attendees have gone away with:

  • A renewed sense of belief in themselves
  • The energy to take on new opportunities
  • Fresh new creative ideas

Your retreat is hosted by me (Sarah Lynas) and my friend and co-coach, Liz Boswell of Bold Moves Coaching. Between us we have a wealth of experience in supporting busy women like you to grow their confidence and their work, through coaching, mentoring and beautiful retreats!

“Having always been quite sceptical about a group of ladies getting together to put the world to rights I attended the retreat with the idea I could take a day out from work and breathe but possibly with quite a closed mind-set.

However, after the first hour of meeting everyone and talking about the purpose of the day, it was really apparent we were a very supportive and positive bunch; we were open and honest which made conversations easy. 

As the day progressed, barriers were dropped, feelings were shared, tears flowed, and strength evolved……….. amazing.

I left feeling transformed, happy and confident knowing I had made new friends who “got” me and are on my team.”

Alison Malcolm, Senior Training Advisor, CVS

Retreat FAQ

How many people will be there?

We have just 6 places on our retreats, so that we can focus on you and your needs during the day.

Are spaces refundable?

Spaces are non-refundable, but you can pass your ticket to a friend if you can’t make it on the day.

Where is the retreat?

You’ll find us about 10 minutes north of Clitheroe in the stunning Ribble Valley, at Sarah’s home – full detailed directions will be sent out to confirmed attendees.

What should I wear?

Whatever makes you feel comfy! We’ll be keeping it informal, and often spend time curled up on comfy sofas. And we’ll be outside for part of our day too, so depending on the weather you might want to bring wellies and layers, or a sun-hat and sun cream.

What time is the retreat?

We’ll officially be running from 10am to 4pm. We ask everyone to arrive for 9.30 to start the day with ease (and to allow for getting caught behind a tractor on the rural lanes!) and although we do finish at 4, there is no rush to leave right away.