Category Archives: Creating space for you

Living life as a highly-sensitive introvert can be overwhelming! Anxiety and self-doubt can often follow, slowing us down and stopping us from leading the life we really want.

Opting for a simpler life is one way to reduce the likelihood of this overwhelm taking hold in the first place, and I love to share the things that help me as I navigate my own business and busy family life.

Decluttering is just one of the tools I use, lightening the load of both physical and emotional stuff. I also talk about the power of language, of working to our strengths and having the right support team. Of simplifying, of setting strong boundaries and of resting.

Why it makes sense for highly-sensitive people to declutter…

I was absolutely enchanted by this idea of living with only what you truly needed [...]

How decluttering led me back to coaching

How I went from anxiety & overwhelm, to creating the head-space I needed to rediscover [...]

Why ‘strategy’ used to scare me, and how trees helped…

Self-belief is easily dented if you let it be; here's my invitation... if you find [...]

How to create a work space that nourishes (not drains) you

If you've known me more than five minutes, you'll know I'm a huge fan of [...]

Who are you right how? and how to use Covey’s ‘roles & goals’ to check in.

For introverts working from home this simple technique can help reduce overwhelm & set clear [...]

What Terry Pratchett taught me about “enough”

Always wanting more is a great way to find overwhelm in your life. And overwhelm [...]

Finding my place in the world as an introvert

Have you ever found that you don't quite fit and you're not sure why? You [...]

The one where I reclaim my workspace

My top tips for reducing overwhelm and turning a messy spare room into a peaceful [...]

How we got to be dusting less lego

Stuff is a responsibility. It needs cleaning, tidying, looking after, fixing, moving, packing and unpacking [...]

Why, as an introvert, I don’t like the word ‘declutter’

Once you've seen how much positivity you can gain from decluttering you'll be hooked into [...]