Author Archives: delta

How I create space to enjoy Christmas

By changing the way you look at Christmas can you turn it from a four-letter [...]

3 introvert-friendly ways to boost self-confidence

Have you got that core strength? I mean that deep, deep knowledge that, whatever you [...]

Why having a vision is so important

By creating yourself a motivating vision of your future, you'll energise yourself to head in [...]

Why we need challenge AND support to grow

It’s no surprise to me that as a highly-sensitive introvert with internal cycles, my energy [...]

Do you create enough space to think?

When we're under pressure our response is to shut down creative thinking... do you ever [...]

How to declutter paperwork & digital clutter

Paperwork and digital clutter can be a huge source of stress and anxiety, and one [...]

As a good friend often reminds me… it ain’t bragging if you done it

How can I, already overwhelmed with balancing family, home and my small business, possibly help [...]

4 questions to help you create space and clarity

Does the idea of tidying up your phone camera roll fill you with dread? Yep, [...]

How we might be similar to dried lentils & what we can learn by watching them

Damned if those lentils, given just the right conditions, hadn’t still known (despite, we figured [...]

What it might really mean when you think you’re missing out.

Ever feel you're missing out? I used to feel like this often... I never asked [...]