Author Archives: delta
How to create a work space that nourishes (not drains) you
If you've known me more than five minutes, you'll know I'm a huge fan of [...]
My favourite tip for building self-belief
We're taught not to brag. But is it bragging if you've done it? And how [...]
Who are you right how? and how to use Covey’s ‘roles & goals’ to check in.
For introverts working from home this simple technique can help reduce overwhelm & set clear [...]
Change is the only constant…
It can be exhausting to keep up with our own emotions, let alone add in [...]
Why you should be careful about the stories you choose to tell yourself…
Humans are wonderful storytellers. We're hardwired to shape experiences into stories, to help us remember [...]
How connection supports me in my business
I believe we all need connection and support; wherever we are on the introvert / [...]
What Terry Pratchett taught me about “enough”
Always wanting more is a great way to find overwhelm in your life. And overwhelm [...]
Finding my place in the world as an introvert
Have you ever found that you don't quite fit and you're not sure why? You [...]
The one where I reclaim my workspace
My top tips for reducing overwhelm and turning a messy spare room into a peaceful [...]
How we got to be dusting less lego
Stuff is a responsibility. It needs cleaning, tidying, looking after, fixing, moving, packing and unpacking [...]